Ecuador is known as the


because of the diversity of its main regions: Amazon,
Coast, Galapagos and the Sierra

Click on a region for a closer look.


The Amazon rainforest, known as the “lungs of our planet” is one of the most biodiverse ecosystems on Earth. The Oriente, in eastern Ecuador, is blessed with some of the most biologically biodiverse areas in the Amazon. Here you can witness nature’s most extraordinary orchestration of life, from its fantastic insects, primary forests and meandering rivers, to the ancestral communities and their knowledge of medicinal plants. An immersion in the Amazon is one of the most naturally and culturally enriching experiences in Ecuador.

The Ecuadorian coast is a combination of sensational beaches, small fishing villages and exquisite cuisine. The North is humid, green and known for its vibrant Afro-Ecuadorian communities. The Central and Southern coastal regions are drier and cooler and offer mystical and enchanting landscapes. In addition, the region’s history, culture, landscapes and wildlife make it a must-see destination in Ecuador.


The Sierra

In the northern highlands you will find colonial haciendas, beautiful mountain scenery, local markets and high altitude lakes, to one of the most biodiverse areas of the country: the cloud forest.

In the Central Andes, some of the most impressive mountain scenery in the country. In this part of Ecuador the Andes are at their most volcanic, with more than 50 peaks pushing up from the tectonic plates colliding beneath them.

Alexander von Humboldt described the route south from Quito to Riobamba as the “Avenue of the Volcanoes.”

As you descend to lower elevations, you encounter warmer and drier climates. The southern Andes region has a lonely, remote air, reinforced by its sparse population, charming villages and long stretches of wilderness. With many unexplored Ecological Reserves, the southern provinces are some of the most enchanting corners of Ecuador.

Galápagos Islands

A modern-day Garden of Eden and living laboratory of evolution, the Galápagos Islands are truly unique on the planet. These islands are the peaks of massive underwater volcanoes, and because they have never been connected to the South American continent, their flora and fauna have evolved in complete isolation. This remarkable fact inspired Charles Darwin to develop his theory of evolution.

“The archipelago is a little world within itself, or rather a satellite attached to America.”

Charles Darwin

In Galapagos, the incredible wildlife and breathtaking landscapes give you a new outlook on the natural world, where animals move freely and humans are merely spectators.

Walking Tour Quito

Recorramos el Centro Histórico juntos.

La Avenida de los Volcanes

¿Sabías que existe una ruta que recorre la cordillera de Los Andes?